door VC-admin | dec 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
Psychological safety is one of the corner stones for successful teams as Amy C. Edmondson has advocated in her foundational book “the fearless organization.” A virtual team in this respect team is no different than a team that is co-located. The challenges however for...
door VC-admin | nov 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Thursday November 16th, we’ve finally launched our book with almost all authors present. Proud feelings and happiness radiated from the stage. Marëlle Roozemond handed the very first book to Maya Leibman of America Airlines. Enjoy reading and using the book and...
door Webmaster | nov 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
Yes, here are the first books! Annette Heijink en Annemarie Koelewijn were the lucky two authors (and board members of the Virtual Coffee Foundation) to open a box and find the first two books of ‘The Virtual Coffee Experience’. Just in time for...